First international school on Nano Tooling@ScienceApp

Manipulating, shaping and functionalizing the matter

30-31 March 2017 – Pozzuoli
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The scope of Nano-Tooling School is to provide a two-day full-immersion training on 6 advanced technologies:

  • Holographic Lithography
  • E-Beam Lithography
  • Magnetic Nanosensing
  • Inkjet Printing & Additive Manufacturing at Nanoscale
  • Functional Nanoparticles for Nanomedicine
  • Femtosecond Laser Surface Structuring and Patterning


The school is directed by ISASl-CNR Team Leaders that are responsible for the facilities and for the related research topics. Lectures by worldwide  prominent scientists will be given in streaming on each one of the above Nano-Tools.

Further information at  School-on-nano-tooling

Registration at