MaX – Materials at the Exascale is a European Centre of Excellence launched by the European Union to
enable advancements in materials research via high-performance and high-throughput computing towards
the exascale. Its activities are largely centred on frontier developments and applications of four MaX flagship
codes, Quantum ESPRESSO, SIESTA, Fleur, Yambo, and a workflow manager, Aiida. Further information about
MaX, its partner teams, and its activities is available at
With this call, MaX establishes a prize to recognize frontier research, performed anywhere in the world, that
is enabled by Quantum ESPRESSO, SIESTA, Fleur, Yambo, Aiida, and/or contributes to their advancement:
MaX prize for frontier HPC applications in materials research – 2017
For further details see the full press release and the submission template.