The End-User Industrial Photonics4Automotive dedicated to photonics technologies for the Automotive Value Chain will be hosted at Politecnico di Torino – Lingotto building , via Nizza 230 on July 3rd 2019, from 9 am to 2 pm.
The workshop is co-located with the conference Automotive 2019 . Photonics4Automotive is organised by CORIFI-AEIT and CNR and supported by the Horizon2020 project NextPho21 and by the Photonics Public Private Partnership Photonics21, with the support of Politecnico di Torino, University of Parma and the industrial clusters Torino Wireless, MESAP and Polo ICT.
Attendance to the workshop is free upon registration. The official language is Italian, the simultaneous English translation will be available upon request. For all information and registration, refer to the Automotive 2019 webpage: